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By Dina Tulli Davis, CPC

We often ask the Heavens above (or the Universe) for a sign that we should or should not do something. We see 11:11 on our clock twice a day for months. We keep having certain recurring ideas, thoughts, dreams, or prompts in our minds that relentlessly nag at us until we take action. We are at a library or bookstore and are drawn to a particular book we wouldn’t typically read. Have you been there? I bet you have! In fact, we all have, and these types of occurrences in our lives ARE signs generated from within us, or depending on your personal beliefs, from a Higher Power. These are signs that help direct you, heal you, motivate you, and encourage you!
The Power of Signs
I believe there are no coincidences in this world—everything has meaning and a lesson to be learned. Nowadays, we are all just so busy! There is so much noise out there—so many things competing for our attention! Most of the time, we just want to turn it all off. However, many of us very rarely focus on the internal messages that help guide us in our lives. Many of us want answers to our most important questions and don’t realize that all of the answers are already within us! We must tap into that INNER KNOWING and unlock the information. When you can do this, you’ll gain clarity and know exactly what to do to tackle problems, become unstuck, find your true life’s passion, and move forward.
Recognizing Your Signs
Some people automatically know how and when it is the right time to do this through the awareness and interpretation of their signs. In my own life, I have had signs around me for about 20 years and then one day discovered that I could piece them all together like a finished puzzle and finally see and understand the BIG picture! At times for some, signs will reveal their meanings in a short period, and for others, it may take over 20 years! The ironic thing about signs is that they are linked to timing and learning lessons. Certain signs are meant to just get your attention while others will awaken you and make you want to dig deeper, so you can learn what is needed to move forward to the next step. When you arrive at the next step, there may be signs to guide you and let you know you ARE on the right path and need to keep going to your destination. When you finally get there, it all makes sense!
How to Tap into Your Inner Knowing
- Get Quiet and Meditate: Take a walk alone, do yoga, take a bubble bath. Relax, close your eyes, practice breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth a few times, and focus within. Clear your mind like a white movie screen and notice what words and images appear on that screen. You might even hear words either audibly or in your mind’s ear. (This takes a bit of practice, so don’t get frustrated if you don’t see anything right away.)
- Journal: Quiet yourself and free-write with a pen. (The act of manual writing versus typing allows your body and nervous system to connect with your subconscious mind and higher self.) Don’t worry about grammar and spelling; just let your hand take control and write down whatever comes to mind.
- Notice Patterns: Stop and take notice of all patterns—things, symbols, people, situations, occurrences, words, sayings, dreams, songs, inner thoughts, passions that keep coming to the forefront of your mind and are seen and heard throughout your day, especially when you try to suppress or ignore them. (Hint: journaling will help you do this effortlessly! Journal but do not read your journal for 3 months, 6 months or a year or two. This is a real eye-opener when it comes to personal growth and noticing patterns that may need your attention.)
A Real-Life Example
I have a coaching client who wants to start her own business but is afraid to take such a big risk right now. She keeps telling me she has a great business idea that she tries to put on the back burner, and it keeps nagging at her to pay attention to it. Her body and environment keep giving her feelings and signals that she needs to pursue this idea. She is passionate about her business idea and knows at her core this is a good direction for her. I have encouraged her to listen to that inner nudge/voice and research what actions to take to make it a reality. Through coaching, I helped her discover her next steps to gain clarity and direction, find inner guidance, create a plan and embark on the path to her true purpose.
What If You’re Not Ready?
What if you are not ready to acknowledge and act on those signs? As I said, signs do have their own time schedule, but when they need to appear, they WILL appear whether you want to notice them or not! They will also keep nudging you to act until you do so or when the Universe decides it will give you a situation, such as a job layoff, that will force you to do so. Therefore, don’t be afraid to become aware of your signs and discover what wonderful and exciting personal growth opportunities they have in store for you!
About the Author

Dina Tulli Davis is a passionate, life purpose coach and light healer dedicated to helping individuals unlock their true potential and achieve their dreams. With two decades of experience in personal and spiritual development as well as personal brand coaching, Dina empowers her clients to overcome obstacles and live life on purpose. Her unique approach combines practical strategies with deep inner work to create lasting change.
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