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By Dina Tulli Davis, CPC

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” ~Steve Jobs, Commencement address at Stanford University, 2005
The Power of Trust
TRUST is a very serious and delicate word—I rate it up there with LOVE. It is something that can be gained, given, and lost. It is also something that is not physically tangible but is of great importance to how we connect with others and ourselves. Like love, it is something that many of us find difficult to master, and sometimes, it is a lot easier to trust others than ourselves. How can you trust in something that isn’t a sure thing, something you don’t know yet, and something you can’t see, hear, or touch?
Connecting the Dots
My take on Jobs’ saying is that the past is known just like the numbers above the dots in a children’s Connect the Dots Activity Book. We often don’t realize how the dots of our experiences will connect to form the complete picture of our existence until we’ve accumulated many of them on the page of our lives. If you think back to your past experiences, you most likely were not aware at that time, or perhaps, you may have even questioned why you were led in a certain direction or had a certain unpleasant occurrence happen to you. However, when you look at the complete picture of today and the relationship between each dot, it all makes sense.
Trusting the Process
In the past, you had to trust that if you followed your gut, heart, passion and dreams, the dotted path would lead you to something great. On the flip side, you also had to realize that if you made poor choices and connected those dots, it may have given you a totally different picture. Yes, all of our actions have consequences that relate to the big picture! We may not know how the new dots of our future will connect, but we must trust and believe that if we follow a path that is true to our purpose, it will all turn out for our greater good in the end.
Embracing Uncertainty
Embracing uncertainty and trusting the process can be challenging but is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. By trusting in something greater than ourselves—whether it be our gut, destiny, life, karma, or whatever resonates with us—we can navigate the unknown with confidence and resilience. This trust allows us to move forward, even when the path is unclear, and to believe that the dots will eventually connect to reveal a beautiful and meaningful picture of our lives.
As you reflect on your own life, consider the dots that have brought you to where you are today. Trust that the experiences, both good and bad, have shaped you and will continue to guide you towards your true purpose. Embrace the journey, trust the process, and believe that the dots will connect in ways that will make all the difference in your life.
About the Author

Dina Tulli Davis is a passionate, life purpose coach and light healer dedicated to helping individuals unlock their true potential and achieve their dreams. With two decades of experience in personal and spiritual development as well as personal brand coaching, Dina empowers her clients to overcome obstacles and live life on purpose. Her unique approach combines practical strategies with deep inner work to create lasting change.
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